What do we do with Human Intelligence if the Artificial Intelligence happens to occupy all the spaces?
Every day a new AI-based application emerges to make the work of lawyers easier, faster, and more efficient. Fortunately (at least some of us keep that hope) a robot will never be able to achieve, in terms of understanding, what a human being who works as a lawyer can achieve. The emotional abilities that human beings have can hardly be developed by a tool fed by algorithms and data.
There is no doubt that approaching the world of AI is fascinating. Time currently invested in certain duties can be reduced. But that time saving is inversely proportional to the time we use our brain. And that is certainly not a good thing.
Although that popular comment about the use of the brain by humans was only 10% of its capacity has been denied, now when an artificial brain comes to think for us, what will happen? We will probably have to keep it in use to be able to continue inventing and creating and connecting neurons and prevent them to die because we leave all the work to the AI.
Now, if we analyze the subject carefully, we can conclude that AI does not think. It doesn't really think anything. It unites, processes and produces what many already thought, processes it and produces a result. That is why the image that heads these reflections says so well: lawyers can rest easy because clients never describe in detail the entire situation that they want us to analyze and need help with. It is that knowledge and previous experience that legal professionals have that allows us to know that the information is not complete, that we feel that there is something else that we have not been told, that feeling that allows us to ask the right questions, make statements derive from our experience and will allow the client to confirm or correct our appreciation of the facts, and thus we are able to obtain a clear description of the situation. The machine will never be able to understand what is motivating that person to present that action against that other person, what do they feel; what motivates you to proceed like that, is it ego? is it pain? is it rage? Is there something else you haven't told me?
The AI produces texts or images with an instruction given to it by a human who extracted that instruction from its brain. So that is when we ask ourselves, if the material that is given to the tool is good, we might think that the product that it will reproduce for us will also be good. But what happens when the input is not so good or rather, bad? Isn't there already enough evil on the planet: wars, shootings in schools and public places, abuse, depression, suicides, to now add the potential for those actions carried out up to now by humans with hearts, to be carried out by machines?
Fortunately, in recent days when this issue is being analyzed at all levels, there are reactions in many parts of the world. We cannot sit still watching technology and AI invade all spaces. The Italian government has already banned the use of an aspect of AI, because it does not respect the legal framework for the protection of personal data; The AI itself also responded that it is not in the capacity to administer justice, that this is a human task, although there are those who have decided to rely on this technology to produce judicial decisions.
In short, the world seems to be questioning those scopes that I undoubtedly imagined and were the source of inspiration for these reflections that I allowed myself to share with you.
Final note: This reflection bears special thanks to all the friends and family with whom I have discussed the AI issue and have provided me with their opinions, news and comments. Thank you all!
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